The project I am the most of!

The crackerjax collective is a portfolio website and companion print magazine featuring the talents and achievements of the youth of Bozeman.  The website features the interview article found in the printed magazine in addition to gallery space featuring the talents of the artists and photographers.  There are links to YouTube clips, sound clips, and iTunes pages belonging to the dancers and musicians.  Potential clients and like minded people can connect to each person in the collective either through the website or through specific contact.  There is an events calendar page and even a Facebook page to help followers and fans keep track of the art shows, concerts, recital and other events the members of the collective are featured in.


This project was born of my senior thesis to show my pride in both my skills as a designer and my pride in the young community around me, but this is an ongoing project and will continue promote, support and add talented young people around Bozeman, Montana.  


If you or someone you know would like to be a part of the crackerjax collective, please let me know.